Is Education a Challenge to you?

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In our day and age, we have learned a very surprising fact: People are different.  Yes, I know.  This is a “Captain Obvious” type statement.  But, I have seen many studies over the years where the basic premise in the findings is that people are different.  How many headlines have we seen over the years that read something like this? “XYZ study comes to HISTORIC conclusion that men and women are different!” Wow!!  Really?!?!?  And the list goes on and on.  

I mention all this goofy hyperbole to bring up a point.  I am what is described as “Generation X”.  In the majority of my school years, your intelligence was categorized into one of a few areas: 1) smart and/or gifted, 2) average, 3) slow learner (?), and mentally retarded (this is not meant as an insult).  Now, we have multiple categories for people.  These categories usually focus on learning defecits.  I think it is good that we focus on these things.  But, I personally think we are missing something.

Now, keep in mind, I support teachers.  Most try their best.  To blame them for what I am about to point out would be like blaming McDonald’s employees for a management error.  

The message often communicated to students is: “study harder and more, and your grades will come up”.  Again, I am not bashing hard work either.  Work has value.  But, just like when a student needs glasses…correcting their vision is the best way to help.  Working harder on their subject won’t improve their vision.  

What am I suggesting???  With the rise of technology and research, we have discovered something.  People learn differently.  They have learning styles.  There are visual, auditory, and kinesthic learner’s.  And we all learn differently.  Our school systems are geared for a “scatter gun” approach.  They try to cater to all of them…sort of…or none of them.  And some students…we just fall through the cracks on some subjects.  

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I am not good at math…so I believed throughout school.  I struggled.  Now, I did good in Geometry in school.  Algebra??  NOT!!  This baffled my teachers…and myself.  I just…couldn’t pick it up.  Now, money?  Usually, I could figure out money.  But…that makes no sense, right?  Unless….you understand how my brain works.  I am what is described as a “Visual Learner”.  Most subjects come easy to us.  We read about it.  See some illustrations, and…boom!  Good grade!  Algebra…that is another ball game. Algebra exists on…the ethereal plane.  It is difficult to visualize, to hold.  So, it has to be learned in different ways for me.  

I recently saw a You tube video that demonstrated the way visual learners pick up math (and it was about integers), and it kind of blew my mind.  Now, does this make me an expert?  No.  This does demonstrate a point that people take in information differently.  Now, you may be saying, “Hey!!  You been going on and on for like four or five paragraphs now that people are different.  What are you trying to say?  Huh?!?!?”  Well, let me get to it then.

If you have kids in school, help them.  There are tools out there to evaluate their learning style.  They are very simple to use.  I will provide a link or two here.  Evaluate your kids.  See how they learn.  And help them.  Fight to help them get better grades.  Now, please, I beg you, don’t nag your kid’s teachers.  They have enough issues.  Help your kids.  If, and I mean If, and only If, it becomes glaringly apparent that there is a teacher issue, then speak to the teacher.  Help your kids.  Encourage them to use their skills.  If they are auditory, let them read their notes out loud.  

Learning strategies for different learning styles

When your kids learn differently, you have to approach studying differently.  Below are a couple of article links about different strategies for learners with different learning styles.  They are specifically geared for math because that is my weakness.  But, they will give you an idea of what I am talking about.,to%20give%20it%20their%20best.

Learning styles assessment

Below are some links for self assessment for learning styles.  These are helpful.  I have taken the “” one.  It is where I learned about my specific learning style.  It tells you the learning style and it tells you some of the quirks that person may have.  It is very valuable.  I have also taken the “how to study” one.  It provides study tips for the student, which I thought was great!  Go ahead!  Test yourself!

My point in all of this is that there are tools out there to help you and your kids.  Don’t just leave them (and effectively, you) struggling for answers and assistance.  Find out what is going on.  Don’t believe or trust me??  That is fine, too.  Take them to a vocational counselor or a school counselor.  Have them evaluated.  Fight for your kids!!  Help them!!  If you help them, it might help their teachers, too!!  Don’t let your kid become a statistic!

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